Kyle XY a story about a 16 year old boy with a mind of a genius. He's found wondering in the streets with no memory of who he is, or where he comes from. He's soon taken to a youth detention center, where he meets Nicole Trager, a psychologist. She sees that Kyle has these amazing abilities. It's not long before she wants to bring him home to her husband and two kids. Stephen at first has his doubts about Kyle. While staying with the Tragers, Kyle starts to remember his past and is willing to go all the way to unlock his past.

Kyle and Jessi begin their journey to find out the truth behind their connection, as well as their creation. Leading them down a strange path they begin to learn that they may be more connected than they originally thought. But with Kyle gambling with his safety and the Tragers, will his hunch about Jessi turn out to be true? And now that she knows the whole truth about where she came from and what her mission was, can Jessi trust herself to do what is right? Meanwhile, the Tragers come together to try and figure out the secrets that Kyle has been hiding.
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