Few martial arts match the exoticism of their country like Silat. Beautiful, yet deadly, Silat was born in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Practiced in secrecy for centuries, and with its strong ties to Islam, Silat is one of the most intriguing and least understood fighting systems on the planet. Now our hosts Jason Chambers and Bill Duff are going to face the world of Silat and their fears head on. They'll train in sweltering outdoor training compounds...in the shadow of the world's tallest twin towers...and jump through rings of fire in preparation for the ultimate test a pitched battle against six Silat masters.

Jason Chambers and Bill Duff travel to South Korea, birthplace of one of the most acrobatic and physically punishing fighting styles in the world, Taekwondo. Our hosts travel to ancient fortresses, break marble slabs, and learn an insane arsenal of jumping, flying and spinning taekwondo kicks. They'll serve as bodyguards protecting a VIP from potential attack, and channel the fighting spirit of an ancient band of Korean warriors. It's all in service to their ultimate challenge: a full-on Tae Kwon Do battle with a former World Champ.
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