Few martial arts match the exoticism of their country like Silat. Beautiful, yet deadly, Silat was born in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Practiced in secrecy for centuries, and with its strong ties to Islam, Silat is one of the most intriguing and least understood fighting systems on the planet. Now our hosts Jason Chambers and Bill Duff are going to face the world of Silat and their fears head on. They'll train in sweltering outdoor training compounds...in the shadow of the world's tallest twin towers...and jump through rings of fire in preparation for the ultimate test a pitched battle against six Silat masters.

Thirteen countries. Fourteen fights. Hundreds of body slams, groin shots, and even a few laps around a Cambodian village on the back of a Water Buffalo, join the ultimate quest to experience the greatest martial arts the world has to offer. It hasn't been easy. In fact it's been downright painful. Recount the nastiest fights, toughest fighters, weirdest encounters and wildest training from Season 1. See how hosts Jason Chambers and Bill Duff have earned their "Passports to Pain".
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