The outlaws raid Gisborne's feast and witness him boastfully announcing his engagement to Marian. Robin humiliates Gisborne and steals Marian's betrothal ring.
Robin unwittingly tears off Gisborne's sleeve mid-fight and uncovers a distinctive tattoo marking him as the King's assassin in Acre. As the gang drag Robin away, Djaq is captured.
Gisborne chases after Robin and a fight ensues. However, the gang manage to bring both men under control.
In the Castle, Djaq fails to escape. Worse still, the Sheriff realises just how useful she is and sets her to work on creating more acid in the abandoned alchemist's chamber. Meanwhile, the gang's attempt to rescue Djaq is thwarted.
Back in the forest, Robin launches a bitter fight to the death with Gisborne. Much rushes off to summon Marian. She is furious that Robin should pursue punishment without due trial, and cannot believe Gisborne guilty of Regicide.
The gang return without Djaq, desperate for Robin to lead them again. Eventually Robin comes round, and with the gang's help, rescues Djaq.
Robin unwittingly tears off Gisborne's sleeve mid-fight and uncovers a distinctive tattoo marking him as the King's assassin in Acre. As the gang drag Robin away, Djaq is captured.
Gisborne chases after Robin and a fight ensues. However, the gang manage to bring both men under control.
In the Castle, Djaq fails to escape. Worse still, the Sheriff realises just how useful she is and sets her to work on creating more acid in the abandoned alchemist's chamber. Meanwhile, the gang's attempt to rescue Djaq is thwarted.
Back in the forest, Robin launches a bitter fight to the death with Gisborne. Much rushes off to summon Marian. She is furious that Robin should pursue punishment without due trial, and cannot believe Gisborne guilty of Regicide.
The gang return without Djaq, desperate for Robin to lead them again. Eventually Robin comes round, and with the gang's help, rescues Djaq.

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