Detective Charlie Crews has spent years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Now Crews must face the world that he left behind and that left him behind. Dealing with the changes that occurred while he was away, and while trying to put the past behind him, Charlie returns to the job he loves. But it's not going to be an easy return as Charlie is partnered up with a jaded detective, Dani Reese. With Charlie's new take on life, and his new insight into the little things, Charlie gains a new view on crime as he strives to get back the life he once led.

When one man ends up dead in his own home, the hunt is on to find his killer. Crews and Reese interview each of the neighbors who all have their own theories as to who the killer is. Crews then stumbles upon a homeless man who had several of the dead mans personal belongings on him. The homeless man, who swears he's innocent, is taken into custody as a precaution and Crews and Reese continue to search. They go round and round in circles until finally they realize the neighbors are conspiring together to cover up the murder. After Crews asks Constance Griffiths to drop a client she's just started working with, she confronts Crews about the feelings they have for each other.
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